Frequently Asked Questions
 Is this book available in stores?
No. You can only get this book directly from this site.
 I need help with an order I already placed.
ClickBank processes all our orders. You can contact them here.
Can I order a hardcopy of the book?
No. This book is available in electronic form only. You may certainly download it and print a copy after purchasing however!
Can I pay for my ebook with a check or money order?
Because the book is delivered electronically, only online orders with payment via credit card, debit card, and PayPal will work.

All orders are processed through ClickBank, which has the most secure ordering process possible. No human will see your bank account information and no credit card numbers are stored. In fact it is even more secure than ordering over the phone or sending something in the mail.
How will the charge for this book appear on my credit card statement?
It will simply say “Clickbank.”
Does this book contain nudity?
No, it does not.
I’m on a Mac. Will I still be able to download and view the eBook?
Absolutely. The book is available as a PDF, which is viewable on both PC and Mac.
I have an iPad / iPhone. Can I read my book on there?
Yes. You can download it using the Safari browser and read it that way.

You can also download the book to your desktop or laptop, then email yourself the book as an attachment, and open it on your iPad. Pinch and zoom to size the PDF on your screen.

There are also several apps in the Apple App Store for reading PDFs. GoodReader is a nice one, and it costs only 99¢. There are also some free ones: Try iBooks, CloudReaders, or Stanza.
Can I read the eBook on my mobile phone or ebook reader?
Many mobile phones offer PDF viewing. There’s a mobile version of Adobe Reader for Android and Symbian phones. Some Blackberry phones have a built-in PDF viewer, and there are also apps available for PDF viewing as well. Try PDF to Go (by DataViz), Repligo (by Cerience), or eOffice (by QuickOffice Inc).

Type “How to read PDFs on my [your phone type and style]” into any search engine and you should find plenty of solutions.
Does this book come with a money back guarantee?
Yes, the book comes with a no questions asked, 60 day money back guarantee. All orders and returns are processed by, the Internet’s largest provider of downloadable products with orders of over $500 million processed every year. They are also approved by the Better Business Bureau.
I live outside of the United States. Will I be charged in US dollars or in my own country’s currency?
When your order is processed, the banks will automatically determine the conversion rate. Your order form will clearly state the currency.
I placed my order, but didn’t get a download page. What happened?
Either your credit card was declined or the order did not process successfully. If your order was processed, you would have been taken to a download page and you would have received a receipt email from ClickBank. If you aren’t certain, contact your credit card company to find out if a charge from ClickBank was charged to your account.
I purchased the book, but can’t download it. What should I do?
Email us at the customer service email on your order receipt for the fastest resolution. Or you can use the contact form at the bottom of this page.
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