This web site contains material that may not be suitable for children without adult supervision. Although there is no pornographic or offensive information or material on this website, it is recommended that there be adult supervision to anyone viewing who is under the age of 18 due to the mature subject matter.
We at LovemakingHouse.com (also referred to as “we” from here in) are not responsible for the actions of unsupervised children on LovemakingHouse.com. Each visitor to our site is choosing to view it, and continuing further means that you understand and accept responsibility, thus releasing LovemakingHouse.com and our service provider from all liability. If you decide to follow our advice is your decision and in no way are we responsible for your actions as a result of viewing this web site.
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We are neither professional sex therapists nor doctors and cannot dispense a doctor or therapist’s advice. We are offering material on this site for entertainment, reference, and to gain a basic knowledge of the many facets of male and female sexuality. However, the content of LovemakingHouse.com and all the products we sell, is not offered as medical or expert advice and you are encouraged to consult a doctor with questions for expert opinions and advice. You should never treat yourself or your partner for any medical condition based on the information we have provided here. All medical information, from this or any other source, needs to be reviewed carefully with your own doctor before you act upon it in any way.
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